Monthly Archives: May 2022

The School of Life Sciences of Peking University also reported the ODI issuing to Essentia BioSciences by Beijing. 北京大学生命科学学院校友企业——北京意胜生物科技有限公司,正式通过北京市发改委和北京市商务局境外投资备案(ODI)。境外投资备案的完成,标志着意胜生物国际化发展路径得到实质性推进。
Essentia BioSciences accomplished the angel round of funding of more than 10 million RMB (equivalent to 1.5 million GBP), led by bioVenture Capital. 意胜生物完成超过千万元天使轮融资,由元生创投主导完成。资金将主要用于两条产品管线的研发以及中英两地公司运营,以专注于 hiPSC 衍生细胞药物及通用型 hiPSC 药物研发和生产。
Essentia has finished the overseas direct investment (ODI) notification and certification, marking the first company with the international company structure within the Pilot Free Trading Zone Daxing, Beijing. 临空区入驻企业北京意胜生物科技有限公司正式通过北京市发改委和北京市商务局境外投资备案(ODI)。